Yoga Courses + Workshops

Join one of these or invite me to curate and / or facilitate one for your group The topics are endless! e:

Quiet Mind Open Heart Meditation Series

Chakra Meditation Course

Consisting of 4 series of 6 weeks, that run daily Sunday through Friday at 9.00 to 9.30 pm, this ONLINE COURSE is a unique opportunity to continue to develop your experience, dive into your inner world, and unlock your hidden potential in a gradual and supported way.

In each of us, there is a wonderful and miraculous dormant potential and as we begin to activate this inner energy source, we can utilise these dormant powers to achieve what we so dearly desire; a purposeful existence living in peace, harmony, and happiness.

How it works: Each series runs for 6 weeks with live guided evening meditations Sunday through to Friday 9 - 9:30pm. The idea is that you will have completed your days duties and can put them aside to join the session. After you can continue with your own personal meditation, journalling, reflection or have an early nights sleep. It's ok if you cannot make it every night, but at least 3 per week to make it worthwhile.

Each series is $150 | 6 week course | 36 live guided sessions | online via zoom | opportunities for questions and learning

Series 1: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura Chakra Meditations

Starts 27 April for 6 weeks Book Here

  • The Muladhara Chakra is the seat of our destiny, the door to our unconscious, the basis and the starting point for our spiritual development. It is the foundation from which we climb the ladder of the Chakras; the root from which we receive the nourishment for our spiritual development.

  • The Svadhisthana marks the second stage of human evolution, corresponding to the subconscious level, where we can face our weaknesses and mistakes, control, transform, and ultimately transcend baser instincts.

  • In Manipura Chakra consciousness reaches the third level, and its radiance develops within us the pearls of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and wellbeing.

Series 2: Anahata and Vishuddhi Chakra Meditations

Starts 8 June 6 week course Book Here

  • With activation of the Anahata Chakra (the Heart Centre), the perfect awakening of self-realisation takes place. Our heart opens to infinite, divine love thus our love becomes infinite.

  • Vishuddhi Chakra is the center of physical and spiritual purification, where harmful residues are removed from the body on a physical level, and in the mental sphere the thoughts, emotions, consciousness and subconscious are purified and harmonised.

Series 3: Agya, Bindu, and Sahasrara Chraka Meditations

starts 20 July 6 week course Book Here

  • In the Agya Chakra, the development of our wisdom and humanity is completed and we reach the bridge to Divine Consciousness. Agya filters and controls all our feelings and thoughts with a sense of responsibility and wisdom, so we are free and independent in choosing correctly and making the right decisions.

  • Bindu Chakra is the source of ambrosia, the fountain of eternal youth, vitality, health and creativity, one of the most mysterious and remarkable energy centres in the human body.

  • Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head is the ‘crown center’. When our consciousness reaches this destination, we experience unity of the knower, knowledge and object of knowledge. It is the source of Light that resembles the brilliance of the sun. In the same way the radiance of all other Chakras fades before the incomparable radiance of the Sahasrāra Chakra.

Series 4: The Advanced Meditations from Yoga in Daily Life System

Starts 31 August 6 week course Book Here

After awakening and balancing the energy of all the chakras in this series we will practice the five most advanced meditation techniques connecting the chakras with breath and mantra, facilitating and sustaining the energy flow through them, experiencing and embodying the unity with all living beings. We will enter the ‘inner temple of our soul’ and feel the unity with the Supreme. We will strengthen our connection to our Higher Self and receive its message about the unique purpose of life and finally we will dwell in the feeling of freedom, bliss and unity with the Divine.