Shanti ~ Sanskrit: शान्तिः an invocation for peace
Shanti Space
yoga wellness peace
Support for your journey of self-discovery and wellness. Take a step towards a more balanced and harmonious life and be guided in finding your inner peace.
About Shanti Space
Our body and mind are deeply interconnected, and whatever we do to one inevitably impacts the other. In the fast-paced world we live in today, our physical and mental wellbeing face immense challenges in finding harmony and peace. Thus, it becomes essential to prioritise ourselves by setting aside dedicated time and space for wellness, granting ourselves the opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate and be the vibrant, amazing people that we are in our daily life.
I, Larissa Gita, am a Yoga and Meditation teacher, an Ayurvedic therapist and Reiki practitioner. Also someone who creates and facilitates classes, courses, workshops, retreats and events. This space was created to bring together all the varied modalities I offer, and to make space for connection and community in wellness.